Himalayas Tea Golden Powder which fights Diabetes

Himalayas Tea is delighted to offer this fatastic product which has been blended and created by Maryam! This Blend has proved to fight with sugar!

Himalayas Tea  Golden Powder which fights Diabetes
Himalayas Tea
Published by Himalayas Tea

I Maryam the owner of Himalayas Tea, would love to share my fantastic news with my lovely followers.
In Nov 2018 my GP did some blood test and called me to his surgeory to talk with me about my blood test result.
He said unfortunately you are diabetic now which made me shocked and never had blood sugar probs before!
He told me, " look after your diet strictly for 3 month then come back for second blood test." He also said if it doesn’t come down, " I have to give you insulin!" :(
I decided to use my Herbal and tea knowledge and created a Turmeric/ Golden tea recipe including some seeds , herbs and some of my teas to fight againest my sugar. I prescribed myself a 3 month usage and took a T spoon of it as powder every morning with a glass of cold water before breakfast.
Two days ago i had to go back for the second blood test.
today i am the winning girl.
According to this pic
three months ago my HBA1C was 5.7 and after gettinng my blood test result today it is 4.7 now!!!!
Now i am delightful to offer my help and my tea to any one who is srugling with sugar problem.
Please join me in my sugar fighting journey!