Recipe Book
"Time and experience have proved beyond question that skillful and judicious tea blending will be found to amply repay for all the study, labor and expense bestowed on it by the dealer, as the chief and only difficulty existing in the art lies in the fact of first finding a combination or combinations that will please the majority of consumers. But it is an egregious mistake to imagine that the successful or profitable blending of teas consists solely in the indiscriminate or injudicious heaping together carelessly and indifferently of two or more varieties or grades of tea in one homogeneous mass without the slightest regard to quantity, quality, affinity, affiliation or assimilation of leaf, liquor, character or flavor of the component parts. While on the contrary the art or principle consists in the proper combining of two or more different varieties or grades of tea intended to form the combination on an at least intelligent or judicious, if not scientific manner, so as to yield a unique or particular tea, of uniform quality, strength, flavor and pungency, at a given price, being at the same time pleasing and satisfactory to the average consumer, and maintaining its standard of quality at all times and under all circumstances."Once you have purchased your tea recipe book we will send you a link to download via your email address, please make sure your email is correct at checkout.
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